I'm often asked recommendations for items to be used at home or on the road. Below are a few key pieces that are affordable, can go anywhere, and will replicate most of what we do at the facility. Click on picture to be taken to site to purchase.
Key piece of equipment, best to start with green and yellow
My personal favorite. They are safer and last much longer.
Grab a door anchor to expand what exercises you can do.
If not using bands that are encased like the Safety Toners above I only recommend LifeLine tubing. They have multiple layers to reduce the likelihood of breaking and hitting you. As always if you see cuts or wear and tear replace to be safe.
Anyone who knows me will tell you I never push supplements or try to sell really anything. So when I tell you this is a recommendation for literally the best tasting bar I've ever had you can believe me.
Before I even told my clients about these I bought about 7 different boxes of flavors to try after enjoying the samples.
If you have a sweet tooth that trips up your nutrition program, these will hit the spot!
I'll put a link to their site that contains a discount code or use "RenuRefer" at checkout.
The Puff bars have a marshmellow texture thats unlike anything you've tried before. I'll put a couple pictures of my favorites below too. Low sugar like 4g and 17g of protein.
(full discloure I liked the bars so much and instead of selling them in my facility I signed up as an ambassador to get the discount for our members and they give me a small amount back too)
But thats not why I recommend these, this is the first bar in over 25 years I've even bothered to tell clients about. Enjoy.
Marshmellow texture. Love the Puffs.
Literally tastes like an Almond Joy Bar
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