


AGES 13-18

Our mission at renu is to empower the next generation to live with Strength and Confidence; and be at Peace with their body.

renu is:   

Where young athletes are developed to thrive all year long

Why a youth program?


Today's world of youth athletics has become so competitive that in many outlets natural ability will only go so far.

In response, parents and athletes looking for an edge have started performance training.  However, the programs often used are for older and more mature bodies from college age to even taking programs professional athletes use.

Problem is, many if not most young athletes haven’t developed the motor control and stability to handle the complexity and explosiveness leading to increased injuries from their training program. A systematic approach introducing progressions built upon strong foundations is critical to the health and long-term peak performance of the athlete.


This approach at renu not only improves performance but reduces injury risk and loss of playing time.


Strong Foundations

Technique is essential and your child will receive individualized personal attention and corrections. No going through the motions, we work with intentionality and purpose.

Our program scales progressions and intensity based on your child's unique fitness level, injury history and endurance. We meet them where they are and coach to achieve remarkable improvements.

We Build Stronger, more Balanced and Resilient Athletes  

Finally! Someone perfected youth training. 

"I love knowing that my kids are learning how to exercise properly and reduce the risk of injury in their sports and activities.

The Renu youth conditioning and sports prep program keeps them healthy, and it provides my child with increased endurance, strength, balance and mobility we see the positive impact in sports.

What Dino has put together is truly special as it gives each kid individually what they need and makes them well rounded athletes.

Dino's thoughtful programming considers the different demands of youth to meet each child's individual needs. Each exercise has a purpose and builds on increased abilities to achieve goals. He avoids high risk low yield exercises; I trust their program and my kids can't wait to train again.

They have increased confidence and focus. The individual attention is priceless and small group format affordable for families."




renu is:   

A place for any kid, not just athletes

Why a youth program?


Our passion is not just to help kids in their sports, but to be a safe and supportive environment for all kids, even those without an athletic bone in their body.
Not everyone needs to be an athlete, but we believe exercise and movement are critical to the healthy development of all people, especially teens. The habits and health benefits established now will carry into adulthood.
More and more hours are spent sitting in front of a screen than prior generations. Kids:
Coming to Renu can help counteract the hours of screen time and sitting; relieving stiffness, aches and pains in the back, neck and shoulders.

It helps reduce and eliminate stress, anxiety and depression. All while we instill in them a healthy view and appreciation of their body using purposeful age-appropriate activities with no gimmicks risking injury.

Your kids will have increased energy and focus, elevated moods and stress tolerance improving academic performance and overall quality and enjoyment of life.

We are not a place that throws the kitchen sink at your child just to work up a sweat. It's where movement feels good, energizes, lifts moods and builds confidence while we have fun leaving them looking forward to coming again.

While 70% of US adults being overweight or obese sounds scary, the reality is most of them were not heavy as kids. Today this rising generation is on track to surpass that number with children struggling with obesity in record numbers at earlier ages.

We need to act now, not with crash diets creating future closet and binge eaters or with punitive workouts that punish them for their body shape.

We need to teach sound principles and make this a positive, enjoyable and empowering experience.
Most recently since the pandemic, the rate of increasing body mass index doubled in a sample of over 400,000 kids aged 2-19. 

A safe and supportive facility for any kid to improve their fitness and develop the tools to care for their health over a lifetime.

Fitness impacts every area of a child's life, not just the physical

From improved school performance, better sleep and moods, to greater confidence and body image. Kids benefit from exercise no matter their shape, size or weight.

Cross Country Track & Tennis Athlete

"I run cross country track and I play tennis and I really enjoy renu because its custom workouts to me and my injuries and I really enjoy working out here." -  Paris

Phase 1 Training Days and Times

Tuesday and Thursday 6pm-7pm
Saturday noon-1pm

Suite 116

10940 Raven Ridge Rd

Raleigh, NC 27164


Get in Touch:


We're open by Session time and appointments. In case we miss you please reach out we'd love to connect.

Renu Health & Fitness© 2021. All rights reserved.

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