
Preventative and Post Rehabilitation

via Therapeutic Movement

We believe as the medical community does, that exercise is medicine


When people finish physical therapy, they often get a sheet of exercises and maybe an exercise band to continue their work at home.

The majority however do not keep up with their instructed program or get hurt as they try to return to normal activities. 

For over a decade renu has been a referral source for the medical community (very rare) to send their patients to once discharged or in some cases doctors send patients to us when physical therapy or surgery isn't necessary but corrective exercise is recommended.

"…That’s a big thing for me is trust because you do all this work as a physical therapist to get these people to this level, they go somewhere else and it doesn’t turn out so well but that does not happen with Dino. I think the biggest testament to that is we have people on our staff that actually see Dino." 

Cory H. 
Physical Therapist
Assistant Manager of Outpatient Rehabilitation

"I’ve seen it in action, and I really believe in what they are doing they are really good at working with people who have had injuries. I feel comfortable recommending Dino and his team to work with athlete’s or patients who are recovering from injuries because I think they really are good at helping transition them again from a program that maybe is limited based on their injury back into more full activity."

Dr. Andrew J. Gregory MD, FAAP
Associate Professor of Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery & Pediatrics

renu is:   

The Bridge Between Medicine & Fitness

Trusted and personally used by the medical community

With our medical focused background and years of clinical experience, renu is a referral destination for Physicians and Physical Therapists in the continuum of care model, filling a vital gap. 

We're proud of the fact that dozens of medical doctors trust their own fitness and health to renu.



Surgery prep

When you have knees like this x-ray, there is only so much that can be done. At some point a joint replacement is going to be recommended. Many people have heard horror stories from friends or family members and are terrified or refuse to have this procedure done.

This is a shame as without it most face a life of pain, loss of enjoyment of activities and sure downward spiral of inactivity and weight gain and health challenges that come along with that.

Your experience doesn't have to be that way. Every single person we have helped prepare for their joint replacement (both knees and hips) have all had faster recovery times, minimal pain and pain medication usage and a return to a much fuller and more enjoyable life. Every single one has been glad they've done the procedure. 

Difference is most people go into surgery weak as movement is usually uncomfortable. At renu we use pain free methods to strengthen your muscles to push off the surgery as long as possible and once you finally have a date, we ramp up training to even further prepare for the big day. 

Don't take our word, just listen to a few that have gone on camera to talk about their experience.

Amazing surgery prep outcomes!
It's the same every time.

Two weeks out, no walker or cane, 
no pain medicine just advil.

Same two weeks range of motion in knee

Incredible! 2 1/2 months after first knee had second knee done. Back to riding 1 month after. Preperation is powerful.

Few more prep results

Delayed surgery for years then no walker or cane after just 3 days, no pain medicine just tylenol.

Two days after total hip no walker or cane, felt great went to the movies!

Post surgery work after discharge

Where do you go once physical therapy is completed?

There comes a time in everyone’s treatment when physical therapy has run its course. Either you're well enough to be discharged or you're trying to maximize your number of PT sessions per your plan.

renu is a trusted referral destination for medical providers to refer their patients to. We can communicate and work in conjunction to maximize your efforts, working around the affected area to minimize overall weakening and atrophy. Or completely take the hand off when they feel you're ready

Too many are discharged only to stop their exercises or worse engage in activities that reinjure. Working at renu you and your provider can rest easy knowing with our clinical background and over 25years experience you'll be in good hands.

renu is:   

Where you can always get better

It doesn't matter how long you've struggled. How many people have told you this is as good as its going to get. You're never beyond hope and there is always room to improve.

Renu coaches hold degrees plus specific training and credentialing to maximize your results and keep you safe.

Top Orthopaedic Surgeon trains with renu

As a neurological surgeon, I’ve spent my entire adult life caring for patients. I treat patients with complex brain tumors and spend countless hours in the operating room with intense focus. It can be stressful! At age 50 I realized that I needed to find a way to start caring for myself, to replenish my energy and to stay fit. My wife who is also a physician had worked with Dino for years and introduced us.
Simply stated, I love Dino. He is experienced, thoughtful, personable and caring. I purposefully set aside an hour in the middle of the day to train with Dino. Since I’ve started with Dino, I have renewed energy and focus. I’m a better physician and surgeon as a result! I’ve run multiple half marathons, enjoy skiing and hiking-at age 54 I feel more stronger and healthier than I’ve ever felt. Dino is a positive force for renewed health.

Another Surgeons Experience

I am a retired surgeon and have spent most of my recreational time being active and outdoors. I have been in all kinds of gyms & hiking clubs for 40 years. Five years ago, when I was 73, I had double knee replacement and my aortic valve replaced in the same year. While I didn't stop exercising, these events clearly put a dent in my abilities.

I decided to improve my diet, up my exercise efforts and take control of my weight. Luckily, this was about the time I discovered Renu Fitness. I have been at Y's, hospital gyms, and private fitness centers over the past 20-25 years, but Dino Nowak's program at Renu is the best thought-out and most physiologically based fitness program I have found.

The workouts are semi-private, but each visit is varied & addressed to your individual needs. I really feel good about my sense of well being, my strength, and stamina. This is a fitness center that has a special aim to help folks in my age group (and even younger!) adapt to a more functional lifestyle as we get older.

Results with renu

even with medical challenges




Suite 116

10940 Raven Ridge Rd

Raleigh, NC 27164


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We're open by Session time and appointments. In case we miss you please reach out we'd love to connect.

Renu Health & Fitness© 2021. All rights reserved.

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